Brian Mattson's Dishonest Train Wreck
Michael Paulkovich
June 2017
I recently discovered that a Christian theologian named Brian Mattson posted a short video about my first book. What an honor! Well, it seems my book really got his panties in a bunch, even though he NEVER ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK!
Mattson did, however, read one article about my research - written by Candida Moss and Joel Baden, two Christians who also had never read my book. It would appear that the term "dishonest Christian" is quite redundant. See my detailed reply to the deceitful and lazy effort by Moss and Baden
here. (My guess is that Mattson will be afraid to read that too.)
Publishing a review of a book you've NEVER READ - that seems to be a unique approach to a book review, BRIAN MATTSON! You know - because, what would Jesus do? Well, Mattson is a Christian, so his fear (and dishonesty) is somewhat understandable. Many believers feel the need to insult and harass non-believers - they are embarrassed by their childhood indoctrination and preposterous belief system, and they think it will make them feel better to try to belittle or criticize non-Christians. I see this all the time.
"No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes." - Psalm 101:7 (ESV)
I clearly struck a nerve for Mattson to make this negligent, lazy and mindless video, with nothing but deceit and loathing in his heart. As Mattson clucks and snits and brays, seething with hatred for a book he NEVER READ with his sidekick toady (Silent Shemp?) licking Mattson's boots, he only embarrasses himself and demonstrates how corrupt some Christians are, and fearful of finding out the truth about "Jesus of Nazareth."
It is funny what religion will do to people; despite his arrogant and bitter façade, it seems Mr. Mattson is actually afraid to read my book; he based his "review" solely on various blurbs, and the shoddy and error-filled article in the Daily Beast by Moss and Baden. And this dishonest mountebank claimed he could - somehow - "just tell" that my book is "absolutely embarrassing"...
WITHOUT READING IT! Mattson's laughable video exposes what an ignoble phony he is, what a reprehensible prevaricator. Perhaps because he fears I might be right about the "Jesus" character of Christian mythology? Yet he still posted this "book review." For this disgraceful and sinful act, we must congratulate him, as he has won the:
Blind Critic Award
How incredibly dishonest of you, BRIAN MATTSON.
How pitiful.
How shameful.
Maybe you should pray to Mister Jesus, repent, and remove that libelous and slanderous video, or Mister Jesus will get you!
"So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander." - 1 Peter 2:1 (ESV)

Brian Mattson
(actual size)
"I don't always lie, but when I do, I lie for Jesus!"
I'm truly sorry you were indoctrinated into this sick cult of death worship and fairy tales, Mr. Mattson; so was I. The difference between me and you, BRIAN MATTSON, you DISHONEST CHARLATAN, is that
I grew up. The Bible is an immoral fairy tale book, sir.
In closing, note that it's risible to take criticism from a deluded liar like Mattson, who reveres a "holy book" that claims:
You must kill witches (Ex 22:18)
You must kill adulterers (Lv 20:10)
You must kill blasphemers (Lv 24:14)
A snake talked (Gen 3)
A mule talked (Num 22)
A man lived in a fish (Jonah 1:17)
Snakes eat dust (Gen 3:14).
A woman who turned into salt (Gen 19:26),
a man with strength in his hair (Judges 16:17),
There was A 7-headed dragon (Rev 12:3)
There was a war in "heaven" (Rev 12:7)
There was a beast with two horns like a lamb (Rev 13:11)
A woman with two eagle wings (Rev 12:14)
Frog-like "unclean spirits" (Rev 16:13)
Two hundred million horsemen (Rev 9:16)
You can sell your daughter into slavery (Ex 21:7)
Jesus advises us to what degree we should beat our slaves (Lk 12:47-48).
Teaches that bats are birds (Lv 11:13-19)
The earth can't be moved (1 Chron 16:30), and stands on pillars (Job 9:6)
There was a global flood but one man's family avoided it (Gen 7-9).
The cause of earthquakes is God getting mad (Isa 2:19, Ps 18:7)
Wine makes God happy (Judg 9:13).
Insects have four feet (Lev 11:21).
Stars are tiny, hang above the earth and could fall down (Isa 34:4, Mt 24:29).
The slime behind slugs and snails is their body, melting (Psalm 58:8).
Using barley, water and dust a priest can abort a fetus (Num 5:11-22).
Leprosy can be cured by rubbing bird blood all over a person (Lev 14).
A whirlwind swept Elijah up into heaven (2 Kings 2:11).
27,000 men had a wall fall on them at once (1 Kings 20:30).
The moon is a light source just like the sun (Genesis 1:16).
You can heal the blind by spitting in their eyes (Mk 8:23).
The value of pi is three, not 3.14159 (2 Chron 4:2 and 1 Kings 7:23).
God made scary noises to frighten the Syrians (2 Kings 7:6).
Snakebites are cured by looking at a brass pole depicting a snake (Num 21:9).
The universe is only 3000 to 6000 years old
The earth stands on pillars (Job 9:6, 1 Sam 2:8).
Earth is flat: from a mountain Jesus could see the entire world (Mt 4:8, Lk 4:5).
Disease is caused by "devils" (Mt 4:24, Mt 7:22 Mt 8:16, Lk 8:33, Acts 10:38).
Giants used to roam the earth (Gen 6:4).
God is as strong as a unicorn and "shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows." (Num 24:8).
Celebration over Solomon's anointing caused an earthquake (1 Kings 1:39-40).
In one day, Pekah killed 120,000 men because they had forsaken god (2 Chron 28:6).
God destroyed the Amorites, who were giants (Amos 2:9)
The winds are held in "storehouses" or "treasuries" (Psalm 135:7).
There are dozens of gods - see Chapter 55 of Beyond the Crusades).
The explanation for clouds? They are the dust at god's feet. (Nah 1:3).
God needs animal sacrifices (Lev 1, Num 15, 2 Chron 13, Ex 23, Dt 16, Lk 2:23-4).
Jesus killed a bunch of pigs by transferring "devils" into them (Mt 8:31-32).
It is morally proper to kill disobedient children (Dt 21:20-21, Mk 7:10, Mt 15:4).
Rest assured that this is a very terse enumeration of nonsense and evil in the Bible. GROW UP, BRIAN MATTSON - and do try not to be so incredibly dishonest - won't you?
And here's a novel idea - next time you decide to publish a book review, maybe you should think about READING THE BOOK FIRST? Because as it stands with this unscrupulous "book review," your reputation is now a complete joke.