Mostly Harmful: 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Religion
Michael Paulkovich

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

                        Chapter 1 - What Are Religious Rituals?
                        Chapter 2 - What Is Kosher Food?
                        Chapter 3 - What Are The 10 Commandments?
                        Chapter 4 - Are There Any Peaceful Religions?
                        Chapter 5 - Why Is Christmas December 25?
                        Chapter 6 - Were Any Humans Claimed As Gods?
                        Chapter 7 - What Is Wrong With Believing in God?
                        Chapter 8 - Who Are these JW Door-Knockers?
                        Chapter 9 - Why Did Christianity Catch On Like A Bonfire?
                        Chapter 10 - How Harmful Is Religion?
                        Chapter 11 - Did Christians Really Burn People Alive?
                        Chapter 12 - What's So Great About Christianity?
                        Chapter 13 - Is The Bible True?
                        Chapter 14 - Who Wrote The Bible?
                        Chapter 15 - What Are Non-Canonical Books?
                        Chapter 16 - What Are Interpolations?
                        Chapter 17 - Which Bible Is The Right One?
                        Chapter 18 - Is God Love?
                        Chapter 19 - Was Jesus Tortured And Executed?
                        Chapter 20 - What Is Christianity?
                        Chapter 21 - What Are The End Times?
                        Chapter 22 - Do Biblical Prophecies Come True?
                        Chapter 23 - What About Modern Theology?
                        Chapter 24 - Is The World 6000 Years Old?
                        Chapter 25 - Does Hell Exist?
                        Chapter 26 - Is Jesus God?
                        Chapter 27 - Why Question The Jesus Of History?
                        Chapter 28 - How Many Gods Are In The Bible?
                        Chapter 29 - Do Christians Still Kill For God Or Heaven?
                        Chapter 30 - What Is Manifest Destiny?
                        Chapter 31 - Did Jesus Change Everything?
                        Chapter 32 - What Justifies Slavery?
                        Chapter 33 - Aren't Religious Leaders Humble?
                        Chapter 34 - How Can I Dry My Brain?
                        Chapter 35 - Bible Quiz

Mostly Harmful: 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Religion
From the author of Beyond The Crusades,
Michael Paulkovich